Every pyro show is a breathtaking experience for the audience. Pyro shows are made with special equipment that fills the sky with bright flying sparks.
Pyro show can be a highlight for the end of the show, a separate performance or a spectacle that fills an entire stadium.
Plan with us an unique pyro show for your event!

A pyro solo is a spectacular end to a fire show. The pyrosolo contains two 1-2 person pyrochoreographies, both of which last 20 seconds. The size of the pyro effect is 6-15 m wide.
The pyrofinale consists of pyrochoreographies by several artists, which makes the ending pyrosolo more spectacular and bigger. The pyrofinal contains three pyrochoreographies by 1-4 artists, all of which last 20 seconds. In the pyrofinal, spectacular special equipment is used, such as a pyrostar. The size of the pyro effect is 12-60 m wide.
The pyrospectacle is an unbelievably impressive ending for a fire show, which is suitable for the biggest events in connection with the fire show. The pyrospectacle consists of at least four pyrochoreographies by several artists. The size of the pyro effect is 12-60 m wide.